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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Tiny twins welcomed into the world.

My cousin Brittany was 26 weeks pregnant when she unexpectedly went into labor last Sunday (May 29th), later that afternoon she gave birth to Jocelyn Renee and Arianna Nicole.  While the two of them are doing well for their circumstance - these teeny tiny babies are in need of constant prayer!  They are SO unbelievably little and the photos just don't do it justice...  At around a pound and a half, their lungs aren't fully developed.  Their underdevelopment, among other obstacles will be challenging - but these two have already proven to be STRONG FIGHTERS!  Thank the LORD!  He is definitely at work in them!
 Meet Arianna
  Meet Jocelyn
 They each have their own nurse 24/7 and the staff is super.
Right now Brittany can't hold her babies.. she can only put her hands through the holes of their bed tables and touch them.. This was the hardest thing for me to grasp.. not being able to hold your babies.. It brought tears to my eyes (and I'm not even a mommy!)

Mommy & Daddy - they are spending a LOT of time in the hospital, so pray for them as well.  I'm sure it's hard not being able to do normal parenting things and sit helplessly in a hospital room for hours on end.. and they are going to have countless hours in the future spent here - the twins aren't expected to go home until September.

Thanks in advance for keeping my family in your thoughts & prayers!

We <3 you!
