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Monday, March 21, 2011

Edit Me Monday

This first image is straight out of camera (SOOC).  I used a Nikon D700 with a 50 mm 1.4 lens (both from Roberts Imaging in IN - I looove their store and they have wonderful customer service.  I get my items shipped to me in Southern IL within TWO days typically, too.)
The second image is after my tonal and color correction edits in Lightroom (LR).  I shoot in raw, but after they are color corrected I convert them to .JPG images & this is what the client would see at their viewing session. Here we changed the contrast, vignetted the edges a bit, and changed the exposure slightly. 

This last image has already been converted to .JPG in LR, so then I will pull it open in Photoshop (PS) and make additional (and often time consuming) edits.  For this photo we brightened the eyes, airbrushed the face with a low opacity, and made additional contrast adjustments.

The last image is what I have sent to my professional printing lab - I don't have my work printed on Wal-Mart or Walgreens paper for a reason.. They serve me well for food, supplies, and my pharmaceutical needs, but I leave my printing to the printing pros!  Their high quality printers showcase my work on outstanding paper, canvases, cards, etc.. I am proud to hand my clients their piece of photographic memory :)

I hope you enjoyed our first Edit Me Monday post!  Feel free to share photos with me that you've edited as well or maybe one you would like suggestions for edits on!

Rachel King

Looking for the GIVEAWAY? CLICK HERE! 


  1. AMEN!!! Why waste all the time and talent with a cheapo, who knows what quality, print!

  2. ;) Agreed! I know there are people who appreciate the professional prints like myself!

    Thanks for your comment! It helps me know there are readers enjoying! I'm trying sooo hard to be a better blogger. It's tough to keep up with it sometimes! ;)
