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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Ways to make an extra buck

Rummage laying around?  Sell it!  

We're having our first yard sale together at our new home and I am kind of giddy about it!  I'm not too hard to get excited, I guess! :)  It's fun going through all of my things & picking out things that I might be able to sell and make a few extra dollars on! 

(Local?  Come see our loot by our house Saturday April 30th!  It's the big yellow one behind Casey's!)

Edit before facebook.

Okay, okay - I'm guilty of this FAR too often!  I know that if I prioritized my work load over my "marketing" (glorified way of saying facebooking) - then I would get triple the work done. :) Thus, making more money!

Set appropriate prices.

I have a hard time setting my prices as high as they should be because I often think that my client will see it as "too high" - but the truth is, when I average out the amount of time I'm spending on the prices I'm charging... I bet I'm making less than minimum wage.  Would my clients REALLY think that paying me $5 an hour be an okay price?  Doubtful.  Now I haven't sat down and figured exactly how much time per money made - but I betcha I'm not too far off!  (and if I took the time to calculate it.. it's less time I could be blogging, editing, or marketing - and time is money! ;))

Cut coupons

There are some great resources out there for saving money.. It's not hard to save $10 or more on a grocery bill!  Try for starters.

There are also several facebook groups out there:

And of course the Sunday paper always has them!  I find the best deals at Walgreens!  I've been dying to go to Shnucks and get double worth out of my coupons!

Help a friend (or enemy) in need

What goes around comes around.  I truly believe that if you are selfless - it will come back to you in the most needed way possible.  :)  My husband and I strive to be strong Christians & we know that when we give our all - God provides.  This might not be a way to "make a buck" - but it certainly won't loose any bucks! 

Hope you're having a wonderful Tuesday & please comment if you enjoy reading!


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